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Champion of Health is a wellness coaching program dedicated to educating clients on the food/mood/skin connection. I bring nutrition, exercise and lifestyle education to individuals and health-related businesses to bring "alternative" health to the mainstream. By partnering with other allied health professionals, we create a network of top providers from every health field and we improve more lives than if we worked alone.

My vision is to see an America in which resources, education and awareness focus on the prevention of disease rather than the treatment of disease.

Conventional medicine is one of the newest players on the block compared to the age-old wisdom of diet & lifestyle intervention, yet is considered primary healthcare in America. Our so-called "alternative" therapies are in fact not alternative in most other countries of the world. Surgery & drugs treat symptoms, no doubt, however I believe conventional medicine should be left for emergency rooms & last resort therapy. Skin care in particular should be addressed from the inside-out.

My mission is to integrate nutrition, fitness, & lifestyle education with other allied health services to form a network of preventative health care providers.

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Bay Area Nutritionist

Niya Champaneria, CFNS



At 32 I have more energy than when I was 22. I eat what I like, like what I do, and hand out smiles for free.


I toss in a little high-intensity jump rope and love to perfect the push-up. And I like to sleep in. Learn more about me HERE.

Welcome! I'm Niya...

I, like you, lead a busy life. I am constantly in search of convenient solutions to my everyday challenges. While I have a deep passion for all things wellness, I'm not your typical kale-eating, marathon running, gym-rat health coach. I learned the hard way that changing my basic eating habits, moving a little bit everyday, and maintaining a more positive attitude was the only way to sustain a healthy body, mind and spirit. I'm not a vegan, a vegetarian or an athlete, but I choose to eat more plant-based food, work out like a champ, and laugh at the dumbest jokes :)



Simply put, it makes me feel better, look better, and perform daily functions better. Eat well, move more, breathe deep, smile often. That's my simple motto for life and health. I call them the Four Roots of Wellness. Catchy, no?


The Champion of Health Story

I started experiencing acne in high school at age 15. I figured it was a teenage thing and would go away when I grew up. Unfortunately, not only did it not go away, it got worse. I had painful, cystic acne for years. Being a naturally social person, I was devastated by my skin condition, and often dreaded leaving the house in the morning. I stopped wanting to face the world because I believed that everyone was looking at my skin, rather than the beautiful person I was inside. I started cancelling dates and social functions; I even cancelled a job interview. It was at this time that I started to "invest" in treatment. OTC products, prescription topical creams and antibiotics, laser treatments, expensive skin care lines & microdermabrasions. You name it, I tried it. They all worked for a few months, and then it always felt like my skin was getting immune to the treatment, and my acne would come back. I was getting really tired of always having to "fix" my skin.


As I was studying nutrition and exercise in school, I started to clean up my diet and practice what I preach. While I noticed my health improving, it took me a while to notice the welcome side effect of clearer skin! When I finally put two and two together, it changed my life. 


I often hear peope say, "there is nothing I can do, these are the genes I was born with". While it is true, you can't change your genes, you can absolutely change the way they are expressed. There is a growing body of evidence that shows that diet and lifestyle have an effect on gene expression. You will often hear me say, "your genes may load the gun, but your lifestyle pulls the trigger". For those of you with acne, rosacea, eczema, or other debilitating skin conditions, you may have noticed first-hand how certain foods and times of stress can trigger a flare-up. You don't need scientific studies to know that (although those studies are definitely out there). 


Your skin is an organ. And just like any other organ in your body, it is affected by the foods you eat and the lifestyle you lead. Poor diet & lifestyle choices affect different people in different ways. That's why your friend who smokes and eats pizza all day might have the prettiest skin you've ever seen! For those of us with skin conditions, we must acknowledge, just as those with diabetes do, that we have to make a change in our lifestyle. Make no mistake, if you want beautiful, youthful looking skin, you have to make some changes and you must be consistent on a daily basis. Health and beauty are achieved through daily practice and starts from the inside out. 


Contact your local Bay Area Nutritionist Niya - today!

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