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Why I'm Here....


Health and happiness. There really is no secret. They are not reserved for the elite or the privileged. Both cannot be obtained and then forever in your possession. Both are simply fluid states of being, that ebb and flow at different times. It is not easy to be and stay healthy in our current environment. But it is possible. 


I know it, live it, and want to share it. 

repeat after me: I CAN DO THIS

Champion's Credo...

I am a champion.

I believe in myself.

I have the will to win.

I set high goals for myself.

I surround myself with winners.

I am cool, positive, and confident.

I am willing to pay the price of success.

I love the struggle and the competition.

I am relaxed and in control at all times.

I focus all my energy on the job at hand.

I take responsibility for all my results.

I have the courage to endure and persist.

I vividly imagine what victory will feel like.


I am a champion and I will win.


Three-time Olympian - Ruben Gonzalez

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