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Have questions? See below for answers to questions I get asked often. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact me!

What makes CoH different than other wellness programs?


champion of health is not only about what foods you consume, but also what foods fuel your life. I believe "Primary Foods" include: food, exercise, relationships, career, and spirituality. I will not hand you a pre-printed one-size-fits-all diet plan, but instead will work with you as an individual. I do not believe you need to spend an arm and a leg on food and gym memberships, I'll show you how to do it all with what you've already got!


What's a Wellness Coach? Nutritionist vs. Dietitian?


​A wellness coach will educate, support, and guide clients towards positive behavior change in multiple dimensions of health and guide clients on a path to lifelong wellness. The goal is to give you the lifestyle tools you need to make the changes on your own and stick with it long after our professional relationship has ended. Dietitians focus on exactly what it sounds like: diets. Their scope of practice is clinical in nature and more closely follows the conventional model of care. If you are looking for someone to teach you about diets and want a prescription menu, I am NOT the coach for you. I do however, believe in making small steps that lead to lasting changes! My methods will teach you how to live a satisfying, healthy and happy life, finally! For more information on my scope of practice, PLEASE READ my Disclaimer of Liability.



Why won't you take me as a client?


We all tend to work best with those we identify with and relate to. I believe that people can only begin their journey of change if they are truly ready for it. Make  no mistake, this program is only for those who are ready and willing to put in the effort needed. After our initial consultation, we may find that we're not a good fit at this time. That's ok! The coaching relationship is just like any other relationship, we gotta vibe!

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