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where to eat? ask a local...

Do you have any idea where your food comes from? Does your waiter? 


It's an unfortunate reality, however most of the food you eat at restaurants and buy in grocery chains is gross. Gross.


Slathered in chemicals, on a truck for weeks, beaten and slaughtered in their own feces. Yea, it's ugly. But hey, if you're gonna eat it, you should know where it comes from. Right? Luck would have it that you my dear, live in the beautiful SF Bay Area! There are so many delicious, clean, nutritious, kind and sustainable food choices for you that honestly - you have no excuse not to eat well! Below is a list of local restaurants and farms in the Bay Area that serve, sell and grow local, clean, yummy, REAL food.


Bay Area Restaurants & Grocery


Girl and The Fig


Gluten-Free Grocery

Chez Panise



Whole Foods

Cafe Gratitude

Sweet Tomatoes

Mollie Stone's Market

Gracias Madre

The Plant Cafe Organic

Trader Joe's



Revival Bar + Kitchen

Farm Table

Mixt Greens

Rainbow Co-op

Vaishnu Express Cafe

Harmony Restaurant

Bristol Farms Grocery

Blue Barn

Nature's Bounty Cafe


Bumble Bee Health Foods

Berkeley Bowl

Lakeshore Natural Foods

Evolution Foods Meal Delivery

The FruitGuys Fruit/Veg Delivery

NatureBox Healthy Snack Delivery




Local Farm Sources

Full Belly Farm

High Ground Organics

Terra Firma Farm

Adelaida Springs Ranch

DayBreak Organics

Holding Ranch

Pinnacle Organic Produce

Hidden Villa CSA


More coming soon!


Did I miss something?


This is a list in progress.


I'm always searching for local restaurants, grocery stores, and farms that take responsibility for the food they feed the public. If you know of a food establishment that serves, sells or grows REAL food, and don't see it here, send me a note and I'll add it! The people have the right to know! :)

If you are a food establishment that serves, sells, or grows REAL food, and don't see yourself here, then please let me know! I want to brag about you!  


You have to eat, no way around that. Be responsible. You have full control of what you put into your mouth. 



LEARN MORE about where your food comes from.

WARNING: 3rd video contains graphic content that may not be suitable for those who are easily offended or have a hard time facing reality....

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